3 Questions for a Mid-Year Reset

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‘If we take care of the moments, the years take care of themselves’ — Maria Edgeworth

Sooooooo it’s June……. how are you feeling six months into 2021?

I don’t know about you but this year has been one curveball after another, so I really need a moment to reflect & reset, before heading into the second half. If you’d like a little mid-year reset too, here’s a couple of prompts to get you thinking.

3 Questions for a Mid-Year Reset

1. Past: how would you describe your past six months - what was the theme? and what have you learnt?

2. Present: what are you feeling grateful for today?

3. Future: how would you like to feel at the end of 2021? * Describe this in as much sensory detail as possible so your subconscious knows what to look out for.

You already have the answers to your happiness, so take a moment to make space for them to come up and guide you forward.

Wishing you reconnection,
Em x

‘Life, if well lived, is long enough.’ — Seneca

Emily L'Ami