To Higher Needs


This year has us all reflecting on what we truly need to be happy or, in more economic terms, our 'higher needs'.

For most of us, those needs are things like time with friends, a feeling of personal growth & a sense of inner peace. Unfortunately, capitalism to-date has instead focussed on our lower needs. The world's biggest companies have gotten rich selling us the basics like petrol & grain but few have stretched themselves to try and address more meaningful things.

And this is where 2020 could have a silver lining. Some philosophers & economists believe this year could act as the catalyst we've been waiting for, moving us closer towards a more evolved & enlightened system known as stage two capitalism.

'In stage two capitalism humans will learn to sell each other more meaningful things.' - Alain de Botton.

We've been through a collective shock & massive shift in awareness around what makes us truly happy. Maybe together we can use this to start to demand, create and share things that truly address our higher needs.

Emily L'Ami