The Pleasure of Kindness

Kindness is the only non-delusional response to the human condition.
— George Saunders

After listening to this interview with author George Saunders, the concept of kindness has been on my mind. We all know that being kind & experiencing kindness from others, is one of the simplest pleasures in life. But kindness can be a difficult quality to nurture, especially when times are emotionally & physically tough.

This week is a little reminder that being kind truly makes you feel better - science shows it releases serotonin & helps reduce stress hormones. And that the best place to begin is within. Creating the capacity for kindness amongst the weirdness & challenges of human life starts by coming back to yourself.

Wishing you kindness
Em x

When I was young I admired clever people. Now that I’m old I admire kind people.
— Joshua Heschel
Emily L'Ami