Rituals To Connect

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Rituals are any small act done with awareness & intention. They help cultivate our inner world by creating a sense of ceremony & appreciation for everyday. And when combined with a sensory element, such as scent, they form touchstones of calm in our subconscious. Here's a few ideas for some rituals in your day

A Morning Ritual - get up before the house is awake (if possible) - make a warm drink, light some incense, meditate or journal for 10-20 minutes.

A Calming Ritual - do a few calming yoga postures such as a forward bends, legs up the wall or cat/cow followed by a calm scented epsom salt bath to relax your muscles & mind.

A Sleep Ritual - before going to sleep place a scented eye-pillow over your face, one hand on your chest and the other on your belly - breathe in for four counts & out for six. Do a few rounds as you let your eyes deeply relax.