How to Make Your Own Tincture

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‘Tinctures are the most common form of plant medicine.’ - Erin Verinder

I LOVE orange blossoms, they smell incredible, are a powerful releaser of grief & make for a delicious addition to almost any cocktail. So when the neighbors tree bloomed over the weekend we picked a few handfuls and made a jar of orange blossom tincture.

If there’s a plant you like you can easily create your own homemade fragrant tincture too. A tincture is simply plant material extracted via alcohol, most commonly vodka. Tincture’s are a powerful way to enjoy a plant’s medicinal qualities and a lovely way to make your own botanical bitters for your favorite drink.

What you’ll need
- clean glass jar
- fresh plant material eg blossoms
- vodka

How to tincture
Fill your jar with your plant material & cover with vodka around an inch over. Store in a cool dark place for 4-6 weeks shaking every now and again. When it’s ready strain through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a glass bottle.

In her amazing book Plants for the People herbalist Erin Lovell Verinder notes that ‘tinctures are a potent plant medicine’ and recommends dosing around 1 tsp a day.
If you’re using your tincture as a botanical bitters add a dash, blend into your drink, taste and adjust as you like. And, if you don’t know where to start, go with the scents you’re naturally drawn to as these are a sign of the therapeutic qualities you need & the flavors you’ll like.

Wishing you sensory beauty,
Em x