Friendship is the New Self-Care


What if one of the most effective forms of self-care is actually shared-care? Generally, the concept of self-care is framed as a solo activity, something you do alone - meditate, take a bath, make a smoothie. But science shows spending time with others is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your physical & mental health.

'Maintaining friendship is self-care - Allowing yourself to be cared for is self care - Caring for other is self-care.'

Friendship has been found to be a significant protective mechanism, as important as diet & exercise. One study on cardiovascular health found a lack of social connection to be equal to the effects of smoking. And while any form of connection is helpful, research shows spending time with three to five real-world friends is the most beneficial.

'Your group of friends are better than any drug or anti-aging supplement.'
- Dan Buettner, National Geographic Fellow

Emily L'Ami