Creation Therapy
As we get ready to launch our biggest collection ever, I’ve been thinking a lot about the role of creation in our lives.
This year has been hard, perhaps the hardest for me. With three surgeries under my belt & more to come, I’ve felt my most vulnerable & afraid. But surprisingly, I’ve also felt my most creative, with all sorts of ideas for new scents, tools & collaborations.
When I started looking into why this might be I realized it’s actually a common response to any kind of trauma, an instinctive & powerful form of non-verbal therapy. Creative activities help us process what we’ve been through while deeply nurturing the mind/body connection. They also address our shared human need to bring beauty into the world in whatever form we can.
So if you’re having a hard day, week, month or year try creating something no matter how small - play with clay, blend some essential oils, do some gardening, bake, color. And keep an eye out for our new creations coming soon!
“The act of creation is a kind of ritual, it reaffirms & mystifies the power of life.”