Be Surprised by Yourself

I've just gotten back from New Zealand, where my phone didn't work & I got to experience ten days of no inputs other than nature & time with friends. In the quiet of it, I found myself coming back to this note artist Anne Truitt wrote to herself in her early eighties - 

'By keeping on being what we most intimately are, we can continually redefine ourselves, so that we become what we have not been able to be. If we live this way, we surprise ourselves.' 

It got me thinking about how easily we can become a mystery to ourselves. Life's busy, the algorithm flattens & dulls, what 'we like' begins to feel fuzzy & opaque, and before we know it, we can start to believe there's not much left to discover within. 

But we can push back. We are specific & unique, and we have vast interior worlds. With a little space & curiosity, we can surprise ourselves. It's a gift worth treasuring.


Emily L'Ami