The Magic of Rocks
Rocks are a visual reminder of the vastness & power of time. As objects of contemplation they represent qualities we seek to nurture in ourselves such as endurance & patience.
Rock love is nothing new, most of us have a few treasured rocks from holidays past. But in some cultures, especially Chinese, Japanese & Korean, the reverence for rocks is elevated to a collectable art form.
Starting in Tang Dynasty China, eroded & contorted rocks were seen as evidence of qi or life-force. These peculiar shaped rocks, known as Gongshi or Scholar’s Rocks, became the subject of poems, artworks & essays dedicated to the subtleties & nuances of rocks. Mounted and displayed in homes they act as a constant source of inspiration & meditation.
The wisdom of rocks is always there for us, so dust off your favorites or search out a new one & reconnect with the magic of rocks.
Wishing you sensory beauty,
“‘The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.’”